About us


Organic Raw food

Balanced Raw Carnivore is based around as Organic as possible while still raising and handling the animals with the utmost respect and humane treatment.

We recently moved our small farm from Markdale, Ontario to the New Liskeard, Ontario area.  We currently sell to the Ontario market with plans to expand into other Provinces and States as possible.  It is always our priority to find humane ethical breading farms to source our animals from for our raw food.  

A portion of all our Balanced Raw Carnivore sales goes to helping rescue animals that are in need.  This includes; Donations to local shelters and rescuing and caring for dumped pets until new loving homes can be found. 

Feed your pets with the best food and be part of something bigger helping other animals in need!

Why Create Balanced Raw Carnivore?

I noticed a lot of mineral imbalances even in the raw fed cats and dogs and high toxic load. As you know our planet isn’t exactly clean…there are many pollutants in our air, water and food supply…and chemicals, pesticides, GMO’s, heavy metals all make and concentrate in our pets’ foods more than most people realize. I was forever searching for organic raw food – as complete as possible…and tried to piece things together as best I could both for my client’s pets and for my own animals. But every time I thought I’d get close with a food I’d find out not so much….so we decided to source local farmers to grow pesticide, pharmaceutical free animals for our dogs and cats…and to use as much of the animal as possible to mimic what they would eat in Nature. So this is how Balanced Raw Carnivore was born. 🙂 I started to offer it to a few  of my clients and found that their cats and dogs loved it too…

So you may ask how are we different from other raw food brands out there? 
  • Whole Animal (except for things like certain organs that may not be allowable – which is only a few thankfully). Getting the whole animal is VERY important for dogs and cats. These days much of the raw foods out there only provide mostly muscle meat…a bit of organs (usually kidney and liver – NOT enough in amount nor variety) and not enough bone content. When one serves the whole animal especially when it is specie appropriate like our signature Rabbit (Sally’s Rascally Rabbit) then they are getting everything they would get in Nature if they were to hunt for themselves. You see in the wild even small dogs resort to hunting…they will catch rodents and small rabbits as their prime prey. They eat these WHOLE. So much of what is being offered today in the raw food market is not catering to what they would get in nature and is therefore not truly balanced. And I can see this from the hair tests I do which confirms it.
  • Organically and Ethically raised. I’m an animal lover. I can’t grow and butcher my own animals unfortunately, but I am very serious about feeding my carnivores how Nature intended…so we find farms locally that follow our principals of caring for animals. Just because we use these animals to feed our pets doesn’t mean that they have to be sub-par and filled with toxins and pharmaceuticals. I think the livestock animals should be raised in an open environment as much as possible, grass and non-gmo fed, not given antibiotics and steroids and not treated poorly. There are farmers out there that care very much about their livestock and want them healthy and happy right to the end.
  • Truly Balanced! As our name indicates…I wanted the food to be balanced by Nature…not “man”….we often make mistakes. By giving as much of the whole animal we are offering proper proportions. The 80:10:10 ratios for feeding of meat, bone, organs is sadly not very balanced. Dogs need more bones, more fats, more organs then typically found in the foods available out there.
  • The meat is human grade – restaurant grade A quality meat…most raw food companies take the cheapest cuts – we don’t. If I can’t eat – either do my dogs or cats.
  • Our mix is done in a FINE GRIND. Some pets don’t have teeth or smaller dogs and cats…can have trouble with more larger grind mixtures. For ours we have chosen to fine grind the food so there is no problems with choking. And if someone is transitioning their pet…the food can safely be partially or fully cooked with no issues. It is also real easy to feed…just thaw, drop in bowl and feed. 🙂
  • Support other animals in need with every purchase of our Balanced Raw Carnivore as we allocate a portion of all sales to helping local shelters and by rescuing and nursing back to health dumped pets until a new loving home can be found.
Our Team

Our Family

The inspiration and drive behind Balanced Raw Carnivore
Sally - Princess
Finnley aka Dr. Bones
Millie -
Poohbear -
Gingie -
Evie -
Mama Turtle -
Tiggles Worth -
Patches aka Batman

We are giving our best to making this world a better place for animals